Honey has long been renowned as a natural remedy to soothe burns, calm coughs and relieve sore throats, but it isn’t the only beneficial substance made by bees.

Propolis is vital to honey bee survival. It is the ‘bee glue’ or cement that strengthens the structure of the hive, protects it against the elements and guards against bacteria and intruders.

It is a brown protective substance made by bees from a mixture of beeswax, resins, sap, pollen, essential oils and their own saliva. It also contains other compounds such as acids, sugars and vitamins (B, C and E). Rich in flavonoids collected from plants and flowers, a class of antioxidants, propolis is used by many as a natural treatment for a host of health problems.

Like all bee products, propolis is known to offer a variety of health benefits to humans. It exhibits natural antibacterial properties and antimicrobial activity, making it a great first line of defence against any mild illnesses or sore throats. But it has also been studied for its biological activity against more serious matters like cancer cells in lab tests. The botanical compounds in propolis mean that it also contains up to 10% essential oils and 5% bee pollen, which have immune-boosting benefits on their own. These compounds help to explain its anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, and cancer-fighting properties.

The large number of bioactive and antioxidant compounds in propolis explain its wide-ranging potential benefits. Research shows that propolis may act in the body to:

1.  Boost the Immune System

Propolis provides powerful support for immune defences and aids balanced immune function. It is a great winter supplement to help support immune resistance and ward off colds and flu.

2.  Fight Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is the root of most diseases (asthma, arthritis, Alzheimer's, eczema, cancer, diabetes to name a few) and it originates in the digestive system.

3.  Protect Against Antioxidants

Provides antioxidant activity for cellular health and protection and provides broad support in the body for general health and wellbeing.

4.  Soothe and Protect Skin

Known to speed the healing of minor cuts and burns. It is also used as a home remedy for warts, cold sores, eczema and psoriasis. Speeds up wound healing by promoting skin cell rejuvenation.

5.  Calm Allergies

Propolis is said to be a natural antihistamine and a first round of defence against seasonal allergies.

6.  Provide Anti-bacterial Oral Protection

Said to enhance tooth and oral health and neutralise cavities by killing bacteria and reducing swelling around the gums.

7.  Boost Bone Health

Thought to strengthen bone density, helping to heal fractures.

Propolis is available in many forms, depending on the intended use:

  • Extracts, tinctures, and propolis spray

  • Dried powder, usually in capsules

  • Raw resinous propolis from the hive

  • Syrup for eating, mostly mixed with other extracts or honey

  • Propolis for skin: face and hand cream, gel, or ointment

  • Propolis shampoo

  • Propolis toothpaste

Possible Side Effects

It is important to note that, like any bee product, propolis can cause an allergic reaction in anyone with an allergy to bees to bee products, so do not try if you have any of these conditions. Always consult a doctor before using if you have allergies, asthma or other health concerns. Propolis may also interact with drugs, so always check with your doctor before using natural products as supplements.

Propolis may slow blood clotting and increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders or during surgery. It should be avoided by anyone with bleeding disorders or who is taking blood thinners.

December 19, 2022 — Rachel Elkin